Bitola – Bike city

This initiative will monitor the election promise for the reconstruction and construction of new pedestrian and bicycle paths. Pedestrian and bicycle paths are extremely important for a municipality such as Bitola. There are a large number of people who want to recreate or walk around the city every day, but a large number of them also use bicycles or walking to reach a certain destination (work, school, etc.) by enabling special pedestrian and bicycle zones throughout the city , the residents of Bitola will gain a large number of health and environmental benefits. The obtained results of the monitoring will be disseminated to the public through: Sponsored posts on social networks, announcements to the media, info sessions.

Youth Association YMCA - Bitola
172000 denars


  • I. Status of the monitored item

      Monitoring criteria Status Brief description and comments Source of information
      1 Implementation
      1.1 A decision has been reached to start the implementation of the monitored item Yes At the session of the Council of the Municipality of Bitola on 31.05.2023, a decision was made to start the realization of cycle paths, i.e. start the preparation of project documentation. Session of the Municipality of Bitola 05/31/2023 YMCA
      1.2 A procurement process is being/has been carried out related to the monitored item Purchases are expected after the preparation of the project documentation YMCA
      1.3 Informative meetings and gatherings with stakeholders have been held Yes A meeting was held with representatives of the Municipality of Bitola and representatives of the YMCA as an organization that monitors the issue YMCA
      1.4 An implementation plan has been prepared for implementation of the monitored item Yes There is a traffic project from 2014 that has been approved. We are working on a construction project right now that should be ready in a month. Panel discussion 05/30/2023
      1.5 Necessary prerequisites to start with the implementation have been provided (e.g. permits, preparatory activities, staff, etc.) An update of the program for local economic development was approved. As soon as the construction project is completed, it should go for revision and approval, after which a call for tender procedure for the execution of the project will be opened. Panel discussion 05/30/2023
      1.6 The municipality is implementing specific activities from the implementation plan Yes Proposing an item on the agenda of the Council of the Municipality of Bitola Local economic development and debate by activity ratio Panel discussion 05/30/2023[0]=AT2kXVq24YQatuaOJGmepYjsK3SGtscCdbJFTbwbhUjFeB7rBYE3j99EzKJ1taVolr5_gRzp7_pxgNtrwR0Vo8Tz14TeP_K_tKwGdYE-Lw9J_FKudGD0-EN_XaJX41cO4lyponeCDn1o1mG0CdD7L8qJavoV13j03zR4fg_WjrxdB6kaQ8F0c7dU1iteIzRt6S4YQ5q4uREY
      1.7 Initial results from implementation of the monitored item are visible Until May 30, 2023, there were no conditions for the realization of the election promise Panel discussion 05/30/2023[0]=AT2kXVq24YQatuaOJGmepYjsK3SGtscCdbJFTbwbhUjFeB7rBYE3j99EzKJ1taVolr5_gRzp7_pxgNtrwR0Vo8Tz14TeP_K_tKwGdYE-Lw9J_FKudGD0-EN_XaJX41cO4lyponeCDn1o1mG0CdD7L8qJavoV13j03zR4fg_WjrxdB6kaQ8F0c7dU1iteIzRt6S4YQ5q4uREY
      2 Stagnation
      2.1 Lack of funds in the municipal budget The municipality will allocate funds from the current budget and, if necessary, request/apply for additional funds from external funds. Panel discussion 30.05.2023 25D1%2582%25D0%25B8%25D0%25BD%25D0%25B0%25D0%2591%25D0%25B8%25D1%2582%25D0%25BE%25D0%25BB%25D0%25B0%26fbclid%3DIwAR1Ywt0-3uwBHZAUCZA0Uy fwMMrPy1854iUBlT-x42kZLzr9rCN6OH3SzoQ&h= AT0bhF6GsMyzv63458kUY4A7o6F-4IVjHU3ra7SDBcliitf5ESn30QciQ-96e3OgBTe_0saIphvXsrhRtaI4vn8l_9g59gL7P0WqODPe5YC3JzHpa8Bbm35-9ur34OVOZtXK&__tn__=%2CmH-R& c[0]=AT2kXVq24YQatuaOJGmepYjsK3SGtscCdbJFTbwbhUjFeB7rBYE3j99EzKJ1taVolr5_gRzp7_pxgNtrwR0Vo8Tz14TeP_K_tKwGdYE-Lw9J_FKudGD0-EN_XaJX41cO4lyponeCDn1o1mG0CdD7L8qJavoV1 3j03zR4fg_WjrxdB6kaQ8F0c7dU1iteIzRt6S4YQ5q4uREY
      2.2 Lack of one/some of the basic prerequisites Yes Completion of construction and construction project by the end of the month. Panel discussion 30.05.2023
      2.3 The implementation of the monitored item is no longer a priority The election promise is a priority[0]=AT2kXVq24YQatuaOJGmepYjsK3SGtscCdbJFTbwbhUjFeB7rBYE3j99EzKJ1taVolr5_gRzp7_pxgNtrwR0Vo8Tz14TeP_K_tKwGdYE-Lw9J_FKudGD0-EN_XaJX41cO4lyponeCDn1o1mG0CdD7L8qJavoV13j03zR4fg_WjrxdB6kaQ8F0c7dU1iteIzRt6S4YQ5q4uREY
      2.4 Halted due to an inspection, investigation, etc. / /
      2.5 The reasons for the stagnation of the implementation of the activity are unknown N/A At the session on the last day of the month, the program for local economic development was voted and for the time being, the differences in attitudes were overcome.
  • II. Transparency and accountability of the municipality related to the monitored item

      Monitoring criteria Status Brief description and comments Source of information
      1 Information about the status of the monitored item is available on the municipality's website and social network Yes There is information on the Facebook profile of the municipality.општина-битола-во-завршна-фаза-е-подго/
      2 Information about the status of the project is obtained through a Request for Access to Public InformationInformation about the status of the monitored item is obtained through a Request for Access to Public Information Yes YMCA, as an organization monitoring the promise, has submitted a request for public information, which was promptly answered in the month of April
      3 Information about the status of the monitored item is shared with stakeholders by municipal officials (via e.g. interviews, focus group discussions, meeting requests etc.) Yes A panel discussion was held by the YMCA as a monitor organization, which was attended by representatives from the municipality, the council and professors, where information on the topic was shared.[0]=AT2kXVq24YQatuaOJGmepYjsK3SGtscCdbJFTbwbhUjFeB7rBYE3j99EzKJ1taVolr5_gRzp7_pxgNtrwR0Vo8Tz14TeP_K_tKwGdYE-Lw9J_FKudGD0-EN_XaJX41cO4lyponeCDn1o1mG0CdD7L8qJavoV13j03zR4fg_WjrxdB6kaQ8F0c7dU1iteIzRt6S4YQ5q4uREY
      4 There is practice of informal information sharing by the municipality with affected citizens (e.g. via informal discussions etc.) There is no such practice Citizens
  • III. Citizen participation in decision-making related to the monitored item

      Monitoring criteria Status Brief description and comments Source of information
      1 The municipality has involved the citizens in decision-making related to the monitored item There is no information about the involvement of the citizens in the decisions related to the monitored issue, the YMCA disputed an annex with the citizens, and the results were presented at a debate in the municipality.[0]=AT2kXVq24YQatuaOJGmepYjsK3SGtscCdbJFTbwbhUjFeB7rBYE3j99EzKJ1taVolr5_gRzp7_pxgNtrwR0Vo8Tz14TeP_K_tKwGdYE-Lw9J_FKudGD0-EN_XaJX41cO4lyponeCDn1o1mG0CdD7L8qJavoV13j03zR4fg_WjrxdB6kaQ8F0c7dU1iteIzRt6S4YQ5q4uREY
      2 Citizens have filed an initiative for participation in decision-making related to the monitored item There is no such information /
      3 Citizens participate in the implementation of the monitored item with their input and resources N/A The promise is still in its infancy /
      4 Mechanisms utilized by the municipality to ensure citizen participation, specifically as related to the monitored item:
      4.1 Public gatherings, debates and forums Yes YMCA, as an organization that monitors the issue, held a panel discussion on 30.05, which was attended by representatives from the municipality and the council, as well as professors and citizens.[0]=AT2kXVq24YQatuaOJGmepYjsK3SGtscCdbJFTbwbhUjFeB7rBYE3j99EzKJ1taVolr5_gRzp7_pxgNtrwR0Vo8Tz14TeP_K_tKwGdYE-Lw9J_FKudGD0-EN_XaJX41cO4lyponeCDn1o1mG0CdD7L8qJavoV13j03zR4fg_WjrxdB6kaQ8F0c7dU1iteIzRt6S4YQ5q4uREY
      4.2 Possibility for e-participation via mobile apps, website(s), electronic templates, etc. Yes There is a possibility of electronic communication and web application M community.
      4.3 Open days of the municipality Yes Every 3 months, and if necessary, there are open days in the Municipality of Bitola
      4.4 Citizen initiatives Yesутре-трибина-дали-битола-може-на-точ/?fbclid=IwAR2PXyuarz29PiQykTZfSJQwSE3oSv6uHWVCUDDzJd4L1UjNVbfgRT_L8XY